Goetta Eatin'…And Twice as Much
COVINGTON Seconds anyone? Northern Kentuckians can expect an extra serving of goetta this year, as two festivals will celebrate a Greater Cincinnati breakfast tradition this June.
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Ray Charles, 1930-2004
"Music's been around a long time, and there's going to be music long after Ray Charles is dead. I just want to make my mark, leave something musically good behind. If it's a big record, that's the frosting on the cake, but music's the main meal."
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Motch Jewelers Benefit for The Point
COVINGTON One of Northern Kentucky's oldest family-run businesses is helping one of Northern Kentucky's most unique social services agencies with a spring fundraiser this week.
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Brainiacs Defy Stereotype
Every Tuesday at 5 p.m. a group meets at Willie's Sports Bar in Covington. By 6 p.m., everyone has something to drink and has ordered some wings or a burger, and the jokes and riddles begin. Don, who sits near the end of the long table, passes around some cartoons he's downloaded from the Internet. Don is funny and sometimes downright silly. He is also a genius.
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Internet Dating: Something Old and Something New, All Rolled Into One
COVINGTON A woman signs on to and clicks on the personals. She types in her name, age, vital statistics, and the most crucial fact her zip code.
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Has Fort Thomas Gone to the Dogs?
FORT THOMAS If a wagging tail can gauge true bliss, then there are clearly some happy dogs in Fort Thomas these days. And if the owners had tails those might likely be wagging, too.
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" Young Actors Hit the Stage and the Road for Their Craft
At the age of seven, Ellen Melville went from playing with toys to acting in plays. By the time she was in the fourth grade, she had landed a role in the local touring production of the Broadway musical "Showboat." Now, Ellen is preparing to spend two weeks in Edinburgh, Scotland, performing and seeing plays at the international Fringe Festival.
" Melville's Classic Leads Professor on to Whale of a Story
HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — When Dr. Robert Wallace has a hunch, it's a good idea to pay attention.
Previous Headlines
" Do You Know What Your Father Really Wants For Father's Day?
" Goetta Eatin'…And Twice as Much
" Ray Charles, 1930-2004
" Motch Jewelers Benefit for The Point
" Brainiacs Defy Stereotype
" Internet Dating: Something Old and Something New, All Rolled Into One
" Has Fort Thomas Gone to the Dogs?
" Young Actors Hit the Stage and the Road for Their Craft
" Melville's Classic Leads Professor on to Whale of a Story
Dining In / Dining Out
Eating Healthy: How Snacking Can Be Good for You
CRESCENT SPRINGS Sitting and snacking the bane of all office workers. Not only do we park at our desks for hours on end, tethered to our PCs and telephones, but we also find ourselves within arm's length of all sorts of snack foods. Whether it's something squirreled away in a drawer or a dish of goodies that beckons from a coworker's desk, we face constant temptation to eat, eat and eat some more.
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NKY Community Events
Large Crowds Reported For Newport's ItalianFest
NEWPORT Food was the main attraction on Newport's Riverboat Row this past weekend, as the city held its annual ItalianFest. The festival drew 120,000, according to Sal Wertheim, special events coordinator for the City of Newport.
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NKY Entertainment
Young Players Take to the Stage
COVINGTON Offering a venue for area youth to showcase their talents, the Behringer-Crawford Museum will host Taking the Stage, a teen-performing, open-microphone event at Devou Park, on Tuesday, June 15 and Tuesday, July 27.
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Breaking News
NKY Arts
Foundation Provides Access to Arts, Connection to Community
COVINGTON — For some Baker-Hunt students, it's all about having fun with art. For others, it's a way to make friends or share new ideas. Either way, those involved with the organization say it has stayed true to the hopes of its founders.
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