Archives: Freetime
Updated: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 3:04 PM EDT
Illustration by DAN ACKLEY/
Quiz: Rate Your Snacking Savvy
By Pama Mitchell
Answer these ten questions to find out how your snacking habits measure up.
Scroll down to take the quiz!
Ready to put your snacking to the test?
1. I try not to snack within one hour of a meal.
2. I make an effort to eat snack foods with nutrients I may miss at meals.
3. I have raw veggies or fresh fruit available for snacking.
4. I avoid snacking when I'm bored or lonely.
5. I try to select snack foods that are relatively low in sugar, fat and/or salt.
6. I aim for a variety of snacks to get a range of nutrients from different foods.
7. If I have a snack that's high in sugar, fat or salt, I try to eat foods that are lower in these things the rest of the day.
8. I read labels to help me select foods without partially-hydrogenated fats.
9. I avoid snacks containing saturated fats such as palm. Palm kernel and coconut oils.
10. I'm careful about my liquid snacks, too, avoiding sugary sodas and juice drinks and sticking to water.
How to score:
Score 4 points for each time you answered "Always," 3 points for each "Sometimes," and 1 point for each "Never."
If you score 30-40 you are a smart snacker, keep up the good work!
If you score 20-29 you're on the right track, but keep working to be more vigilant in your snacking habits.
If you score under 20 you're pathetic! It's time to follow these guidelines and start eating more nutritious snacks.
